Participatory Budgeting
The Participatory Budget (PB) is a way for people to have a direct say on how local money is spent, giving a voice to pupils, staff, parents and all other stakeholders from Hamilton Grammar School.
Please watch the following video for further information on the PB process:
Our PB Journey
PB complements aspirations in the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 to give communities more powers to achieve their own ambitions.
Since then, the Scottish Government and COSLA made a commitment that at least 1% of local government budgets in Scotland will be subject to participatory budgeting by the end of 2021. South Lanarkshire council resources agreed that 5% of PEF funding would be subject to PB.
Since June 21, Hamilton Grammar pupils, members of the school community and parents have been meeting to come up with suggestions for how to spend funding based on the Cost of the School Day.
One of the key benefits is pupils involved feel included and many feel valued when their ideas are listened to.
- Step 1 – Generate Possible Ideas
Between May - September Staff, pupils, parents and members of the school community meet to discuss Cost the School day needs. They are tasked with the following:
- Research possible ideas within PB group.
- Consult with and ask for further ideas beyond the group, e.g. classes, Parent Council, etc.
- Identify, from this consultation, a minimum of 3 or maximum of 5 potential suggestions to be put forward for consultation.
- Market the PB agenda and process, ensuring all stakeholders get the opportunity to put forward ideas
- Step 2 – Vote on our PB Spend
In September the PB shareholders present the ideas to pupils, parents and staff.
All pupils, parents and staff should then be given opportunity to vote for their preferred spend via GOOGLE FORMS, QR Codes and posters and advertised around the school, emailed to all staff, pupils and parents.
- Step 3 – Count the votes
At the end of September Count the votes and establish the winning option.
Spend the money! ☺
We are currently in the process of allocating our participatory budget funds this year, through our consultation process with our stakeholders. We are eager to hear ideas and suggestions on what we should spend the funds on.
The slides are available here: 23/24 PB Slides - Have your say
Our 3 final votes were:
- Water Fountains - for all pupils to access during break and lunch
- Grab n Go – breakfast provided for free from the canteen every morning to continue
- Toiletry Bags - providing products like deodorant, shower gel etc
Images from our 2022/23 process can be viewed in the gallery below.
Participatory Budgeting 2022/23
The 3 final votes were:
- Outdoor shelter for the playground to enhance outdoor learning, and shelter during break and lunchtimes.
- Grab n Go – breakfast provided for free from the canteen every morning.
- Outdoor seating - more outdoor seating to be added to the school playground.
As a result, HGS were asked to share our success across Scotland.