Hamilton Grammar School

Inclusion & Equality

Inclusion & Equality

Hamilton Grammar School follow the South Lanarkshire Council Framework for Inclusion and Equality.

The framework is set out below:

In line with the principles of Getting it right for every child and the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child (UNICEF 1990), the council supports the vision and strives to the common aim that all children and young people should be safe, healthy, achieving, nurtured, active, respected, responsible and included.

All educational establishments should have the highest expectations for all learners.

The Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004, the Morgan Review (Dec 2020), and the Children and Young People’s Act 2014, aims to ensure that all learners are provided with the necessary support to help them achieve their full potential. All practitioners will use inclusive and integrated practice to promote equality of opportunity for all learners to succeed, taking account of their needs or protected characteristic.

Equality and inclusion are the heart of our work in education; we seek to eliminate discrimination and promote equality of opportunity through the implementation of Curriculum for Excellence, Getting it Right for Every Child and the Additional Support for learning legislation.

We are committed to seeking and taking account of the views of learners and their families, in all decisions concerning their education.

The Framework for Inclusion and Equality brings together the key areas of practice which will be embedded in schools, establishments and education services in delivering an inclusive service. It provides information on the policy and principles underpinning our inclusive approach and offers practical advice and guidance on key areas of practice.

Inclusion and Equality:

An inclusive approach in an education setting aims to ensure the full participation of learners in the curriculum and the wider community, to enable the highest achievements and attainment and promote a sense of belonging. This ethos impacts on the culture, polices and practice of every establishment and service, and in particular, promotes the learning and participation of children, young people and adults.

Staged Intervention:

Identification of needs for children and young people who face a barrier or barriers to learning. Establishments require to make arrangements for identifying the barriers and looking at universal or targeted interventions and supports to help the child reach their potential. Staged intervention can happen in the class, out with the class, a support from another agency/partner outside the school or agency/partner out with education resources.

All stages require pupil views and family views and the plan will be reviewed at agreed times throughout an academic year.

Partnership Working:

All educational establishments and staff ensure that we work in partnership with parents, carers, children, young people and other agencies to enable them to make their views known, encourage their participation in decision making and promote involvement in all aspects of their education.

School Improvement and Inclusive Practice:

Improving outcomes for inclusion education through self-evaluation and school improvements.

‘How good is our school 4’ (HIGIOS4) underpins effective self-evaluation and is a key aspect of the Scottish approach to school improvement. The Framework is used to support self-evaluation and reflection involving staff, parents, children, wider stakeholders in all SLC schools.

In order to deliver an inclusive service and to ensure that the wellbeing of all young people in South Lanarkshire remains a high priority for all, every establishment will utilise the HIGIOS4 quality framework to engage in ongoing reflection of their work in inclusion.

Any queries regarding Inclusive Practice in Hamilton Grammar School and this policy contact Mr Mackay or Mrs Walker.